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If you’ve been researching what kind of cell signal booster to install in your organization, then you’ve likely realized there is an ocean’s worth of options to consider. Moreover, those options come with an endless list of features. Knowing which features to prioritize is key to investing in the right repeater system for your business.

Depending on your business’s needs, a custom solution may be in order. If you’re looking to understand the features necessary to provide you with a robust cellular signal, future-proof compatibility, reliable voice calls, and improved data speeds, then read on to learn more.

1. 5G Compatibility

5g cell tower against a blue cloudy sky

If you’re looking to improve cellular signal in a commercial space, then amplifying 4G LTE is likely top of mind. When investing in a repeater system, don’t limit yourself to 2G, 3G, and 4G amplification. Find a solution that works with 5G as well.

Investing in 5G technology improves current and future outcomes in your business. As a networking technology, 5G uses three different radio frequency bands:

  • Low-band 5G (Carrier-Aggregated). Delivers 5G performance through carrier aggregation and dynamic spectrum sharing.
  • Mid-band 5G (C-Band). Balances the ultra-fast data rate of high frequency bands and the spatial coverage of low-band frequencies.
  • High-band 5G (mmWave). Delivers the fastest data transmission but has a limited range.

Because 5G works across a spectrum, enterprises businesses can be early adopters of 5G technology by leveraging lower spectrum bands. As mmWave becomes more available, you can implement that technology as needed. In short, businesses shouldn’t wait for complete 5G infrastructure to roll out before investing in next-generation technology.

Why It Matters

With rapidly advancing technology and increasing competition, enterprise businesses need to adopt a future-ready mindset. It’s no longer enough to simply meet demand. For businesses to thrive, forward-thinking decision making should be at the center of each new investment, innovation, and initiative. The same holds true for network compatibility. If you’re looking for a solution to cell signal problems in your commercial building, then invest in a solution that’s 5G compatible.

WilsonPro has the repeaters needed to boost low-, mid-, and high-band 5G. All Wilson repeaters are compatible with carrier-aggregated, low-band 5G. We have also developed unique solutions for in-building C-Band repeaters and mmWave 5G.

2. High Uplink and Downlink Power

professional woman stands by a window and smiles down at smartphone

There’s a central feature you’ll want to look closely at for any commercial repeater system you consider. Specifically, the repeater’s ability to pull signals from nearby towers to effectively boost it. This is known as its uplink and downlink power, and it impacts how effectively the repeater can amplify the two-way communication between cellular-connected devices and carrier towers.

A repeater’s downlink power refers to its ability to capture and boost the uplink and downlink connection from the carrier towers. A repeater with higher downlink power is more effective at transmitting and amplifying incoming signals from towers. Likewise, strong uplink power will determine how well the technology handles voice calls and data going back to the tower.

Why It Matters

If you’ve ever been on a call where you could hear the other person but they couldn’t hear you, then you’ve experienced what happens with low uplink power. The downlink connection to your phone was working well — your phone was effectively downloading their voice information. However, the uplink was suffering and unable to transmit your voice to the other party.

Pay close attention to these metrics when looking at signal repeaters — inadequate power could mean the difference between effective cellular signal and service disruptions.

3. Carrier-Agnostic Coverage and Reception

a smartphone showing a 5G New Radio logo on a computer keyboard

A constant for most organizations looking to install a cellular signal repeater in their offices or campus is wanting a strong cellular signal for every device in the building, no matter the carrier. From major nationwide companies with extensive infrastructure to smaller, regional carriers, there are various possibilities for employees and customers to choose from. The last thing you want is to invest in a cell signal repeater that only helps a select few individuals.

Why It Matters

You should think of a DAS system as an investment in your business. Even if everyone in your organization uses the same carrier network, it may not always be that way. You may end up changing the carrier for all of your business phones and be stuck with unusable equipment. Either way, there’s no reason to get a repeater that doesn’t work for all carriers.

4. Low Overload and Shutdown Threshold

a man uses a smartphone with a telecommunication tower in the background

A big variable in how well a cell signal repeater works is how strong the transmission is from nearby carrier towers. These signals vary wildly depending on geography, the technology used by the carrier, and even fluctuations in power. These power fluctuations can cause repeater systems to shut off completely.

A well-engineered commercial repeater accommodates sudden and occasional signal bursts. This feature is called overload and shutdown threshold, and you’ll want to look for a system capable of handling as much as +10 dB in signal strength.

Why It Matters

While power overload may seem counterintuitive in a situation where a low signal is a problem, it’s important to think about the implications of why the signal is low. Your building may be close to carrier towers, but your signal is impeded by environmental factors. In these cases, signal overload is extremely common. When it happens, you want a repeater that’s capable of dealing with it.

5. Sophisticated Software with Intelligent Shutdown Management

In some cases, repeater shutdown from signal overload is unavoidable. In fact, as a rule, the FCC requires commercial cell signal boosters to shut down if the signal reaches a certain threshold on a particular band. Unfortunately, many repeaters simply stop working in these instances. Worse, they often require a professional installer to come out and readjust the equipment, costing your business time and money.

Instead, look for repeaters with advanced software featuring intelligent shutdown management. These devices monitor incoming signals continuously and handle signal surges gracefully. When a surge does happen, they make immediate signal adjustments, allowing the repeater to continue operation in many cases. And when the signal does surge strongly enough, they manage proper shutdown and power cycling so your repeater is working again in short order.

Why It Matters

Cellular signal is a dynamic thing — it’s simply the nature of the technology. In environments where the signal is erratic, surges are likely, and it’s best to be prepared for these eventualities with a device that handles these surges intelligently. After all, if you’re going to invest in a device to provide improved cellular signal for your business, it’s better to have that signal consistently.

WilsonPro DAS Solutions Have It All

At WilsonPro, we design and engineer cellular DAS solutions for all kinds of environments and use cases. We’re well acquainted with the technology of cellular networks, and we understand the necessity for businesses to have access to a robust, reliable network regardless of where they are.

If you’re in the process of researching a commercial DAS solution, take a look at our options that meet all of the above criteria. Want to learn more about our cellular repeater solutions? Contact us today and get in touch with an expert.

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