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It’s 2018, and smartphones are getting even smarter. Devices are more intuitive, image capture capabilities are sharper, and the apps on our phones are more convenient to use than ever before. The space between our handheld devices and computers continues to converge. We can use our phones to stream music and video, look for directions, and make purchases using stored credit card information. Smartphones are essentially our digital Swiss Army knives.
These realities might elicit a resounding “so what?” from the average reader, but these developments in household technology do have consequences — most notably how they affect bandwidth and our ability to stay connected. And if we can’t connect, what’s the use in all that cutting-edge technology anyways?
Breaking Down Bandwidth
We hear the word bandwidth all the time, but we don’t always understand it in context. So what is bandwidth, and what does it do?
Bandwidth refers to the amount of information that can be transferred across a network in a given amount of time. Usually, this is measured in bits per second, but modern network demands the measurement be increased to millions of bits per second (aka, megabits), or even billions of bits per second (gigabits).
We live in a world that treats bandwidth as if it were eternal. But as with all resources, bandwidth is not unlimited. More importantly, bandwidth capabilities are subjective to individual cellular signal strength. It might be helpful to think of bandwidth as the flow of liquid through a valve or pipe. The bigger the pipe (a better connection), the more liquid (bandwidth) that can flow through.
As of September 2017, approximately two-thirds of the world’s total population — 7.4 billion people — have a cell phone connection. And our smarter, more complex phones take up more bandwidth than previous generations of devices with fewer capabilities. In essence, the battle for bandwidth is constant, and to keep up with demand, companies need to have the best connection possible.
Staying Ahead of the Curve
In order to stay on top of this complex power struggle, businesses need to ensure they have the strongest possible connection. While many industries rely on Wi-Fi alone to address the battle for bandwidth, this simply isn’t enough. Recent research continues to show that Wi-Fi isn’t a secure solution, especially for organizations like financial institutions, healthcare facilities, and schools. This means customers and employees of these entities need to be able to depend on a strong cellular signal in emergency situations or when managing sensitive customer information.
Unfortunately, modern building philosophies pose challenges to businesses seeking to offer reliable networks. Striving for the greenest, most eco-friendly structures is top of mind for many corporations. While these materials and buildings are better for the environment, they are often bad for cell signal clarity, as properties in these materials can block access to outside signal. Without compromising their commitment to going green, how can these companies offer the reliable network connection they need in order to compete in the battle for bandwidth?
Boosters for Bandwidth
Investing in a network solution like WilsonPro’s suite of cellular signal boosters could make all the difference. Signal boosters, or amplifiers, offer a non-invasive solution for companies that need to address bandwidth issues in a place of business. By using a passive distributed antenna system (passive DAS), WilsonPro’s boosters can tap into existing cellular signal and amplify what’s already there, skipping the hassle –– and the physical mess –– of a carrier-specific active DAS solution.
Perhaps most importantly, WilsonPro boosters are carrier agnostic. This means that users serviced by any network provider –– including but not limited to AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile — can benefit from the improved cellular signal. This is especially important in businesses where employees conduct much of their internal and external communications on their mobile devices, or where current and prospective clients are frequent visitors.
As the population grows, and as personal device and smartphone technology continues to advance, their capabilities will require more bandwidth. In order to support that kind of usage, businesses will need to be prepared with strong, reliable networks. WilsonPro can help companies win the battle for bandwidth with a variety of non-invasive cellular signal booster solutions to keep users and employees connected for years to come. Contact WilsonPro to learn more.