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With so much change in the mobile communications industry right now, seamless and future-ready indoor connectivity has never been more critical. Enter WilsonPro repeater and Zinwave active Distributed Antenna System (DAS) solutions, two cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of communications infrastructure.  

WilsonPro has paired its long-standing expertise in cellular repeater technology with Zinwave, a pioneer in active DAS solutions whom Wilson acquired in 2023.  Together, the two technologies usher in a new era of connectivity.  

In this article, we will examine the significance of DAS and its pivotal role in optimizing indoor connectivity. We’ll also discuss the concept of hybrid DAS, a solution that seamlessly combines the strengths of WilsonPro repeaters and Zinwave active DAS technology. 

Distributed Antenna System (DAS): the Bedrock of Future-Ready Design 

From corporate offices and hospitals to educational institutions and entertainment venues, seamless and reliable mobile connectivity is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. The proliferation of smartphones, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the increasing reliance on data-intensive applications have intensified the need for robust in-building communication solutions that can handle diverse devices and data loads. 

With this escalating demand for reliable mobile connectivity, DAS has become indispensable for ensuring optimal cellular coverage and performance. It acts as a network of antennas that amplifies and evenly distributes wireless signals throughout a space, enhancing the connectivity experience for every user on the premises. 

In our pursuit of future-ready design, Wilson Electronics has taken the DAS concept one step further with the introduction of the hybrid DAS solution. This innovative approach combines the ease and affordability of WilsonPro repeaters, known for their efficiency in amplifying signals, with the scope and scalability of Zinwave active DAS. This delivers a new level of capacity and adaptability in indoor connectivity. 

The Challenges of Traditional DAS Solutions 

While traditional Distributed Antenna System (DAS) solutions have been instrumental in addressing in-building connectivity challenges, they are not without limitations. 

Traditional DAS systems face challenges in adapting to the dynamic and varied needs of today’s businesses. The complexity of modern building structures, the emergence of new wireless technologies, and the demand for additional spectrum coverage can impact the feasibility of traditional DAS solutions. The need for a more flexible, scalable, and adaptable approach to in-building connectivity has become increasingly apparent. 

The Growing Importance of Future-Ready Technology 

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, future-ready solutions become even more important. Businesses and organizations must invest in technology that not only meets their current needs but is also equipped to adapt to the ever-changing landscape.  

Future-ready technology like hybrid DAS anticipates and accommodates emerging trends, so that the infrastructure remains relevant and effective in the face of evolving connectivity demands.  

WilsonPro’s Hybrid DAS Solution: WilsonPro Repeater + Zinwave DAS  

WilsonPro Repeaters 

WilsonPro repeaters enhance in-building connectivity by capturing weak signals, amplifying them, and seamlessly distributing the amplified signals throughout a designated space. Employing advanced technology, WilsonPro repeaters ensure consistent and reliable connectivity, addressing the challenges associated with sub-par in-building wireless coverage. 

Zinwave DAS Technology 

Complementing the WilsonPro Repeater System is the active Distributed Antenna System (DAS) technology from Zinwave. Zinwave’s DAS solutions are distinguished by their fiber-based architecture, which supports multiple frequencies and services with unparalleled efficiency.  

Zinwave’s technology is known for its scalability and adaptability—and the ability to seamlessly integrate with various wireless technologies. The active DAS architecture ensures optimal signal distribution for high performance in large buildings and complexes while using less energy, fewer components, and 80% less space than competitor systems. 

The Benefits of Combining These Two Technologies: 

1. Optimized Signal Strength: The WilsonPro Repeater’s signal amplification capabilities are seamlessly integrated with Zinwave’s active DAS fiber architecture. This results in optimized signal strength that ensures consistent and reliable connectivity that is easy to scale. 

2. Efficient Signal Distribution: This combination of technologies ensures that the amplified signals are distributed evenly and efficiently, eliminating dead zones and providing comprehensive coverage throughout the designated space. 

3. Adaptability to Evolving Technologies: The hybrid solution is future-ready, with the combined technologies capable of adapting to current and emerging cellular protocols and spectrum needs. This makes the hybrid DAS solution a smart long-term investment that won’t become obsolete for the foreseeable future. 

4. Enhanced Scalability: The hybrid solution can accommodate increased connectivity demands to continually deliver optimal performance as organizations evolve.  

Key Features of the WilsonPro Hybrid DAS Solution 

1. Ease of Implementation 

Implementing the hybrid DAS solution is a straightforward process, designed for quick deployment and minimal disruption. Its user-friendly design and simplified installation ensures a smooth integration, so businesses and organizations can enhance their connectivity infrastructure without unnecessary complexity. 

2. Scalability and Flexibility 

A standout feature of the hybrid DAS solution is its inherent scalability and flexibility. As the needs of a building or venue evolve, the solution can easily scale to accommodate it. 

3. Enhanced Signal Strength and Coverage 

Hybrid DAS’ robust signal performance eliminates dead zones and optimizes the overall connectivity experience. Enhanced signal strength and coverage ensure that users enjoy consistent and reliable connectivity throughout the designated space.  

4. Compatibility with Current and Future Cellular Protocols 

The hybrid system seamlessly accommodates current cellular protocols, ensuring optimal performance and usability across the spectrum. And its compatibility with future cellular protocols allows it to easily adapt to emerging technologies, making it a strategic investment for the long term. 

5. Space Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness 

The hybrid DAS solution maximizes resources. Its space-efficient design makes it suitable for diverse environments. The long-term benefits of lower maintenance costs and reduced upgrade frequency contribute to its overall cost-effectiveness—making the hybrid DAS a sustainable and economical solution for in-building connectivity.  

6. Future-Readiness 
The adaptability and scalability of the WilsonPro Hybrid DAS make it a solution you can invest in today that will prepare your communications infrastructure for tomorrow.   

Ease of Installation and Integration 

Implementing the hybrid DAS solution is a streamlined process designed for expedited deployment with minimal disruption. For a comprehensive guide on the installation process, we recommend referring to our DAS guide, where detailed instructions and best practices are outlined to ensure a seamless deployment experience. The guide covers essential steps from initial planning to system optimization, providing a valuable resource for technicians and administrators involved in the implementation process. 

Integration with Existing Infrastructure 

One of the notable advantages of the hybrid DAS solution lies in its compatibility and ease of integration with existing infrastructure. Whether deployed in commercial buildings, stadiums, or other large venues, the hybrid DAS solution harmoniously integrates with diverse environments.  

Leveraging the strengths of WilsonPro repeaters and Zinwave DAS technology, the solution optimizes connectivity without compromising the integrity of existing structures. This ensures a smooth integration process, minimizing disruptions, delays, and hassle. 

Customization for Diverse Environments: Who Can Benefit from This Solution? 

The versatility and adaptability of the hybrid DAS solution make it suitable for a range of industries and building environments—from corporate offices and factories to hospitals and college campuses. The hybrid DAS solution offers a spectrum of customization options so it can be tailored to meet the needs of specific interiors.  

For those requiring additional spectrum support, the seamless integration of another repeater provides the necessary amplification to meet specific requirements. This adaptability extends to public safety, with the option to add components that provide coverage for public safety networks.  

Whether enhancing communication in large corporate complexes, delivering critical uninterrupted connectivity in healthcare facilities, or supporting emergency response in educational institutions, the hybrid DAS solution offers tailored configurations to meet the unique demands of each environment. 

The Right Solution for Facebook 

Today, Facebook is one of the preferred channels for savvy businesses looking to closely target a desired audience. The social networking giant delivers ads directly to those most likely to buy advertisers’ products. Averaging 2 billion monthly visitors, it’s easy to see why access to data is so important to the company. 

The Challenge 

After a $750 million investment and almost two years in the making, Facebook opened its newest US data center in New Albany—just outside Columbus, OH. As expected, the building met the criteria of a state-of-the-art tech facility—with the exception of cell coverage. 

For the company’s 100+ computer engineers in Ohio, access to their own cellular data was a challenge. During a typical workday, it was nearly impossible to get a reliable cell signal inside the data center. Without consistent in-building coverage, calls were never received, texts could not be sent, emails could not be read, and smartphones quickly became useless. With its metal roof and conductive-material structure, the 44,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility was blocking out the reception and transmission of radio frequencies. 

The workaround for this problem was to make calls outside—often in the rain or snow. Other users would simply wait until they left the building at the end of the workday; experiencing a barrage of texts, notifications, emails, and voice mails the moment they would finally get cell signal.   

After researching solutions, Facebook decided on a WilsonPro Repeater System as a viable and cost-effective solution for their cell coverage issues. The installation needed to be done around the employees as they worked. This proved more challenging since a contractor, Turner Construction, was working on site to expand the facility. OSHA safety concerns also had to be addressed. 

The Solution 

Denver-based Illuminati Labs, one of WilsonPro’s premier certified installers, was selected for the installation at Facebook’s data center.  

In addition to working around Facebook’s staff using scissor lifts, night shifts were added to complete the installation when fewer employees would be working at the 24/7 facility. 

Illuminati Labs designed the repeater solution to cover the 40,000 sq. ft. office building area within the massive data center where Facebook houses its servers. Despite the challenges of working around employees, the job was completed on schedule with minimal disruption. 

The Results 

The change in cell signal quality was obvious the moment the WilsonPro system was turned on. 

People could sit at their desks or offices to text, make calls, or browse the internet with ease on their phones. Likewise, calls, texts, and emails were also received without ever having to leave the building.  

The frustrations of weak or nonexistent cell signal were now a thing of the past. “It has been great. There have been zero complaints of dropped calls,” said Chris Redding, the Information Services Engineer at Turner Construction. 

Compliance and Standards 

The hybrid DAS solution adheres rigorously to industry standards and regulations governing in-building communication systems. Compliance with standards such as NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and IFC (International Fire Code) ensures that the solution meets the stringent requirements for public safety communications. Additionally, adherence to industry standards such as ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) guarantees compatibility with building codes and regulations, contributing to a seamless integration process. 

Safety and Security Features 

The system incorporates features to enhance the overall safety and security of the in-building communication infrastructure. From robust signal amplification to secure signal distribution, the hybrid DAS solution prioritizes the integrity of communication channels. Moreover, the solution is designed with fail-safes and redundancies, ensuring continuous operation even in challenging conditions. 

The commitment to compliance with industry standards not only reflects the hybrid DAS solution’s dedication to best practices but also instills confidence that the system meets or exceeds the necessary regulatory requirements.  

In a landscape where safety and security are non-negotiable, the hybrid DAS solution stands as a testament to Wilson Electronics’ commitment to delivering technology that prioritizes both performance and compliance. 

Ongoing Support and Maintenance Services 

To ensure the sustained performance and reliability of the hybrid DAS solution, WilsonPro provides a dedicated suite of ongoing support and maintenance services. This includes regular system monitoring, proactive issue detection, and timely resolution to maintain optimal functionality.  

Through routine check-ups and system health assessments, potential challenges are identified and addressed before they impact connectivity, minimizing downtime and enhancing the overall user experience. 

Proactive Issue Resolution 

The hybrid DAS solution’s monitoring capabilities extend beyond mere oversight, incorporating proactive measures to address issues before they escalate. This includes real-time performance monitoring, signal strength analysis, and system diagnostics. With these tools, the solution can identify and rectify potential disruptions quickly to ensure uninterrupted connectivity and mitigate any adverse impact on users or critical operations. 

Customer Support

Recognizing the importance of consistent and reliable communication, the hybrid DAS solution is backed by Wilson Electronics’ world-class customer support team. This team of dedicated experts is readily available to answer questions and offer timely solutions to any issues that may arise. Whether it’s troubleshooting, system optimization, or general inquiries, our customer support team ensures that users have access to the assistance they need, as well as confidence and peace of mind. 

Take the next step toward a future-ready and reliable in-building communication infrastructure.  

Contact our dedicated team to learn how the hybrid DAS solution can meet your needs today and the challenges and opportunities you’ll face tomorrow. 

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